Monday, September 12, 2011

Dear Mr. Buss Driver,

Dear Mr. Buss Driver,
If you turn down the wrong street, and back up in order to turn around, please make sure you do not back into oncoming traffic.

Moving on...

I need more energy than I have. Perhaps I've picked the wrong time to give up coffee... School is better, but it's still long hours (for me) and lots and lots of homework. Plus I'm going in to school longer hours Wednesdays so I can get extra help, and then there's an apartment to pack while still living in said apartment and trying to maneuver around boxes piled up to our armpits while dodging cats and, you guessed it, more boxes. Then there's the fact that I still have to go to school on the Thursday we're moving, then after school on Friday I'm going to Halmstad to be a bridesmaid in lovely Linda's wedding on Saturday then we're leaving the festivities early so that we can get back to Salamanderland to do a crazy super clean on the apartment Sunday before we have to turn over the keys on Monday morning on my way to school. Whew! All very good stuff! Do you think I can replace coffee with energy drinks? That's still better... right??? Maybe not...

I'm very excited for all of these things to happen, I'm just hoping I will be able to focus on one think at a time as it comes. One thing is for sure though, I'm taking my bridesmaids duties very seriously, and am preparing a foolproof emergency kit for all of Linda's bridal disasters, of which there will be none! Purely preventative measures! and have been training wearing high heels so that I won't fall in the impossibly high heels I'm meant to wear with my dress. I'll post a picture of them eventually, they're GORGEOUS!

Alright, off to read Arkan Asaad's "Stjärnlösa Nätter" (can you believe it? I'm READING! IN SWEDISH!!!)

Mango Kitty


  1. And the captcha almost said "eat alot of boys" (etboylot)! Japp, jag är lättroad. :)
