Monday, November 19, 2012

Måndags mys

Well hello!!!  No, Great Cthulu has not gobbled me up, I'm just bad at blogging :)

How is everyone? I'm doing quite well myself, things are looking up for Miss Mango!  Seems like things just keep clicking into place, all the stuff I wasn't able to handle back in the spring is steadly  becoming more managable, including phone calls, Dr's, social phobia, my psychiatric and physical health, and public transportation.  In fact I'm doing so well that I'm not at the treatment home this week! I'm doing a "test week" running life out of our appartment and seeing how it goes.  If all continues to go well I'll be dischardged by Christmas!

Today I tested myself by going out to eat. ALONE!!! It was actualy rather enjoyable!  First time I could say that in... Well forever! Yay me.

In other news turkey day is coming up, both exciting and stressfull as all you americans know.  Also, APPARTMENT!!!!! Ground floor, patio/yard, cheaper rent, heat included = GLEEEEEEE!!!!

Mango Kitty