Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Today has been a bad day. As I was walking to class this morning, I passed by a group of high schoolers. One boy shouted out "Tjokis" Fatty" and another called me a "Fat Ass". Then later today I was walking in the hall and passed two teenage girls who made pig noises as they passed and said "vilken gris!" what a pig!

I don't even know how to handle this. How can people be so mean? How can they think it's ok to hurt people who haven't done anything to them in such a way?

I wanted to leave school after it happened, especially after the second time today. I wanted to run away from the situation, but I didn't. I staid the full day. Now is the challenge of going back tomorrow.

ug... I feel just awful.

Mango Kitty

1 comment:

  1. Folk är idioter, det har jag alltid sagt.

    Två alternativ:
    1. Ignorera dem. Visa aldrig att du hör dem eller att du tar åt dig. De är luft.
    2. Konfrontera. Du är för tusan amerikan, använd det! This is my world, get the fuck out of my way!

    Oavsett vad du gör har de precis bevisat att du är bättre än dem!
