Monday, August 29, 2011

Glorious Wall Paper

What a cold and rainy day we've had. I'm seriously unimpressed with the weather. Though I suppose those dealing with Irene stateside have a tad bit more to complain about than me and my rainy day. But it wasn't all bad, I conquered another day in school and managed to find all my classes. Though to be honest two of the classes were in the same room, and the third was canceled for today. Ho hum.
BUT! Today we got wallpaper samples to pick out the walls for our new appaaaartment!
We are doing everything in our power NOT to have white walls, and I think we might actually succeed! Though I have a sneaky suspicion they will paint the hallway white whether we want them to or not. But that's ok, It's not like we'll be spending all our time in the hallway :) Tomorrow we're going to take another look at the apartment and take some measurements and pictures to start figuring out how our furniture layout will be and such. It's very exciting, it's feeling more and more real that we're finally moving away from immigrant-row! Yay!

Mango Kitty

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