Saturday, July 28, 2012


It's about 25*C (75*F) outside, and it's freaking 32* (OVER90*) in our apartment! That does NOT help me.  Poor Indi is tired and lethargic, probably from the heat and the medication.  And Mi-Go was too warm to wake me up at 2am.  And Nils, the clever man he is, is at Smallcon (a gaming convention his gaming club D.O.M.M. holds every year). Which leaves me to clean and do laundry in a 90* apartment.  FRAK!

Every time I hear a noise I run to find Indi, I'm so scared she's going to have another asthma attack.   I did dust today and am going to do the floors after I chat with my sister and her little ones.  Hopefully that will help prevent another one from happening, though when I asked the Vet if dust makes it worse she said that they really don't know, but I'm doing it anyways, because I don't know what else I can do for her right now.  Besides giving her her medication, which she does NOT like.  We're going to try coating them in butter, I've read that it makes it easier to swallow and tasts better.  Hopefully it will help because it takes 4-5 times before I get her to swallow the damn thing.  I can't blame her though, she doesn't understand why I'm forcing a pill into her mouth, she can't know that I'm doing it to help her.

Oh well, hopefully my next post will be about how wonderfully comfortable it is in our apartment and I don't have to cold shower every day to keep me from over heating.  Also, hopefully the future will not include me dunking my cats into cool water to help them cool off.  They weren't so happy about it but were much more their normal selves afterwards.  Hurray for evaporation!

Mango Kitty

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