Saturday, August 10, 2013

Into the woods... GROWL!!!

My friend got me in contact with a guitar player here in Salamanderland who is interested in jamming and hopefully putting together a band!  Suuuuuper exciting!  But sense we have the worlds most ridiculous neighbor, it's not like I can really practice growling at home.  Because we're 98% sure he will complain.  And I just don't feel like dealing with him.  So I will be going out into the woods to practice.  I haven't sung seriously for quite some time, so I need to train the old jaw trap before I meet this guy in a few weeks!

In other news I'm going to a dog show tomorrow with Marina and two of her Leonbergers in a town called Ronneby.  We'll be leaving at 06.30, and how well the dogs show will determine when we'll get home.  If they show poorly, we'll be home sooner.  If they show well, it will be later.  We're hoping for later ;)

We visited Indi today, she really likes it at Ammi's.  It's easy to see how much more confident and comfortable she is there, and she loves loves loves Ammi, so we're hopeful that this will become a permanent arrangement for her sake.  (and for ours) but we miss our Flufferella.  Mi-Go is doing well, he doesn't really look for her anymore, he's also grown more confident, and is claiming his space more and more.  Also, he wants to be in my lap ALL THE TIME.  Which is cute, except for when I'm actually trying to get something accomplished.  Then it's annoying.  Which means it's way more fun for him!  Speaking of cats, a neighborhood cat was very kind and left me a present in my garden, a nice fat dead mouse.  Thanks anonymous kitty!

Time to take my lyric book into the woods to practice.  Happy weekend everyone!

Mango Kitty

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