Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Re-homing Indi

So his morning Indi moved in with my Viking's mother for a trial period.  Hopefully everything will work out great so it will become a permanent arrangement.  It's really depressing not having her here, but it is the right thing to do.  She wasn't happy sharing a home with another cat, she was constantly hissing, growling, and swatting at Mi-Go,  she stopped playing and cuddling as much, and was generally very stressed.  So this morning we moved all of her things over to Ammi's, including a cat tree, her special pillow, litter box, food and water bowls, scratching pad and toys.  Then it was a quick drive with her (Those of you who know how close we live to Ammi know it was a VERY quick drive!) and then she was thrown into her new environment.  We expected her to hiss a bit, and probably hide, but that wasn't the case at all!

She was out of the box in a shot, but didn't go and hide, instead she thoroughly inspected all of the rooms available to her, jumped up on things, rubbed against things, sniffed things.  She was very very brave!  She was skittish and stressed, but her tale was up and she kept coming back to us for cuddles in between her exploring her new surroundings.  After about 15 minutes we left, so that she could get a bit more acclimated without us there.  So far she's peed in her litter box, eaten, laid down to rest, and done some more exploring.  We're very proud of our Flufferella!
Mi-Go is confused by the change.  What amazes me is that no matter how mean Indi was to him, he still adored her, and just wanted to be friends.  He's been walking around the apartment looking for her, and meowing sadly.  It will take time, hopefully he won't become too depressed.  Lots of cuddles and play and it should be fine.

Sure does feel empty around here without her though...

Mango Kitty

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