Saturday, December 1, 2012


I'm HOME!!!  Discharged from the treatment home yesterday!  It feels wonderful, and a little bit scary... but mostly wonderful :)  I am so thankful that I was given the opportunity (and that I had the guts to TAKE the opportunity) to be there, get the help I needed, and learn the tools to manage my head stuff on my own.  I know I will be successful now that I'm "out", and it's a wonderful feeling :)

I will miss them though, both the patients and staff.  Everyone cried when I left, patients, staff, ME, and then my viking called right in the middle of it, I answered the phone with "I'm sorry dear we're having a "moment" here, I made everyone cry!!!"  I'm grateful for the friends I made while there, and even though I know we'll stay in contact and keep seeing each other I'm going to seriously miss hanging out with them every day.  The staff told me about 200 times that I should call now and then to tell them how I'm doing periodically, which makes me feel good, it's obvious how much they care, and it's hard not to enjoy that.  Also I've been ordered to visit once a week when I have DBT in V-town, every week, forever :)

In other news I blew another Christmas present (surprise surprise).  My sister says my gifts are "well intentioned, but poorly executed" and she is right.  I arranged to buy a display case for my Vikings miniatures, got my friend to come and drive it home, thinking my Viking would go gaming and come home to a display case in our living room!  How wonderful right?  no. 
It took us a half hour to find the womans home, then when we finely did and carried the display case to the car, WE COULDN'T GET IT IN THE CAR!!!  We tried and tried and tried, even called my inlaws for help, but nothin' doin' we had to cary it back to the womans house and ask for my money back :(  Well intentioned, Poorly executed.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!  Mine will be full of unpacking and snow walks.

Mango Kitty

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