Sunday, August 12, 2012

lucky shmuck

I feel kind of crappy today.  Partially because I Always feel crappy, but also because I'm starting to come to realize just how much of an ungrateful schmuck I am.  I came from a very loving family, and though we weren't bathing in lobsters and accordions we always had food on our plate, shoes on our feet LOTS of music in our lives, and a big hug before and after bedtime.  There are so many people out there that are desperation searching for family love, and here I am, a self confessed Daddy's girl, who also has 4 moms, 2 big sisters and 2 nieces and 1 nephew.  PLUS having the love and acceptance of my Vikings' amazing family here in Sweden.  I often feel guilty for having so much when others have so little.  Even with my psychiatric and my physical issues, at least I can get my medication, I still have both my legs, at least I don't have to breath on a respirator, at least I can (most of the time) WALK.  Sometimes you just have to look at things in perspective.  As much emotional and physical pain I may go threw in my life, at least I have clean water, heat, food, and love in my life.

Mango Kitty

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