Monday, June 24, 2013

Brain Cake!

For Midsommar this year my Vikings sister made a brain cake!
It was full of gluten so I didn't get to try it, but the verdict was an overwhelming "yum!"

In other news, I have a new dog training client!  It's a Tibetan Terrier, the breed looks like this and comes in many different colors.

He was supposed to come with his owner for his first session today, but she canceled, blaming it on "disgusting weather"  I really don't know what she's talking about because it isn't raining, blowing hard, or thundering.  It is ultimately her dog and her decision however it's MY time and I am slightly annoyed and very disappointed.  Ah well, she said she would come tomorrow if it isn't raining.  So hold your thumbs for sunshine!  (If it is still her version of "disgusting weather" then I may tell the cats to suck it up and have the training session inside.  But we'll see)
    Tibetan Terriers are really neat,  they aren't true terriers, they only have the name.  They were bred by Tibetan Monks 2000 years ago and have remained purebred for the entirety of the breed.  Traditionally they were never sold, but given as gifts of gratitude and good fortune.  To sell a Tibetan Terrier was considered extremely bad luck not only for the individual selling it but for the entire village!  It should be fun getting to work with this one, as he's only 9 months and completely untrained...

Wish me luck!

Mango Kitty

P.S.  In a week, my Moms will be here in Sweden!!!!

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