Thursday, October 31, 2013

Still kicking

Hi there, Yes I'm still alive and kicking.  I spent like, 3 weeks coughing up green stuff with a nasty virus.  Only to almost recover from that and then get a stomach virus.  Wohoo. (not)

So I've been hanging out at home a lot, nursing my sick body and drinking lots of water.  I was supposed to start my new internship at ICA (a grocery store) yesterday, but obviously that didn't happen, so I'll start next week instead.   I will continue to have my internship at the grooming salon, ICA will be in addition to that.  I decided to pursue this second internship for two reasons:  

1.) I am spending WAY too much time home alone, staring at the wall and feeling like crap.
2.) At ICA there is the possibility of future employment.  Something Jyckelyckan doesn't have the means to offer me.

So now I'll have more to do, get out of the apartment more, and hopefully will find an actual PAYING job in the future.

Today is Halloween and I don't have a pumpkin.  I think this is the first time... ever... that I don't have a pumpkin for Halloween.  :(  But I don't dare go to the store to get one when I've been paying homage to the porcelain goddess like I have been.  Though I haven't puked sense last night, it wouldn't be very nice if someone went to the store to get milk, and came home with the pukey disease.  So me and my puke bucket, we're going to chill and be bored tonight, like the loosers we are.

Happy Halloween everyone!

Mango Kitty

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