Sorry for the lack of posts, I not longer have mobile broadband so I can't post during the weeks besides on my phone, and everyone who knows me knows how bad of a phone typer/speller I am so often I just skip it.
But in the past week I have had my second 24 hour EEG and actually fell with the machine on, which everyone was a bit too excited to hear about. Yes, it is good that they have the data of what happons in my brain when I actualy fall, but it still fucking hurts when you land on your face, jerks.
oh well Now it's the waiting game to see if it is the Epilepsy that's causing this or if I just have a baseline of Epilepsy plus something else entirely wrong with my brain that's fucking up my day to day life.
It was kind of fun to play lab monkey however...
In other news I've been getting my metal back on. There is a house in the treatment home complex that is empty after dinnertime so I get to go down there and sing my brains out every night without bothering/traumatizing anyone! Singing is one of the very few things that truly gives me pleasure, so I'm training up the old Jaw Trap so I can re-claim my awesomeness and find a band somewhere. I thought I had found on in V-Town but they wanted a "clean voice" not a growler like me. Their loss.
The pain is still awful, no light out of that tunnel, I do however, have yarn on my head again. :P